Healthy Gut: Your Body's Wellness Foundation!
In this 4 week class we will look at healing your digestive system as the foundation for your body's wellness, explore the world of your digestive system and it’s central role in your body’s overall vitality, longevity, and general feelings of wellbeing.
Dates: Monday February 24 - March 17, 2025
Time: 6:30 -9:00 pm PST
Contribution: $250 - deduct $50 if registered by February 17, 2025
To Use Coupon Code, select "Redeem Coupon" Button and enter: MONDAYGUT
Available: Offered Online.
Pre-requisite: Open to all who have had meditation and healing class.
Taught By: Christy Carrico and Carmen Figueras
Classroom Link:
Time: 6:30 -9:00 pm PST
Contribution: $250 - deduct $50 if registered by February 17, 2025
To Use Coupon Code, select "Redeem Coupon" Button and enter: MONDAYGUT
Available: Offered Online.
Pre-requisite: Open to all who have had meditation and healing class.
Taught By: Christy Carrico and Carmen Figueras
Classroom Link:
Family - Ancestral Beings & Your DNA!
Our intestinal lining is only 1 cell thick, and yet it’s job is kind of incredible: letting only single molecules of nourishment through and keeping everything else in a closed system between the mouth and the anus! So much of what is considered ‘food’ in our country is incredibly inflaming to our guts, and ‘leaky gut’ and other gut issues are stealing many people’s vitality and shortening lives.
“All Disease begins in the Gut” Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine claimed.
And let’s add, a great deal of healing of the body begins by healing the GUT!
There is no other system of your body which can have such a powerful impact on your overall health as your digestive system. In this class we will explore the world of your digestive system and it’s central role in your body’s overall vitality, longevity, and general feelings of wellbeing. Using the WellnessAlchemy healing protocols, you will have a space to explore, take ownership and heal your digestion.
The WellnessAlchemy Green/Gold Regenerative Self Healing Vibration.
In class we will take a journey each week meditating and healing the digestive system all the way from your mouth to your anus using the WellnessAlchemy Green/Gold healing vibration. From your mouth, down your esophagus to your stomach and from there through your small intestines and your colon, you will have a chance to psychically explore, heal and gain understanding of the important functions of all your organs of digestion. Understanding how your food and lifestyle choices can both heal or harm this vital system and learning to give your body what it needs to nurture and support all the other body systems is our goal!
“All Disease begins in the Gut” Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine claimed.
And let’s add, a great deal of healing of the body begins by healing the GUT!
There is no other system of your body which can have such a powerful impact on your overall health as your digestive system. In this class we will explore the world of your digestive system and it’s central role in your body’s overall vitality, longevity, and general feelings of wellbeing. Using the WellnessAlchemy healing protocols, you will have a space to explore, take ownership and heal your digestion.
The WellnessAlchemy Green/Gold Regenerative Self Healing Vibration.
In class we will take a journey each week meditating and healing the digestive system all the way from your mouth to your anus using the WellnessAlchemy Green/Gold healing vibration. From your mouth, down your esophagus to your stomach and from there through your small intestines and your colon, you will have a chance to psychically explore, heal and gain understanding of the important functions of all your organs of digestion. Understanding how your food and lifestyle choices can both heal or harm this vital system and learning to give your body what it needs to nurture and support all the other body systems is our goal!
Class Topics:
In class we’ll look at several other major components of your digestion including:
Your Enteric Nervous System.
“Go with your Gut!” The center of your body’s wisdom - your gut intuition - is your Enteric Nervous System. This is the nervous system embedded in the lining of your digestion, and learning to listen to what it has to say about your body is a powerful tool for self healing.
Your Para-Sympathic Nervous System
The antidote to eating in stress. When you eat on the run, or in judgement of your food choices or without creating a healing/nurturing space for your meal, you digestion tends to close down and you may not be absorbing the nutrients from your food! The USA has a pretty high % of citizens who struggle with their weight, and yet are chronically malnourished. Eating under stress also contributes to slow peristalsis. Literally, chronic constipation can shorten a person’s life and contribute to disease. A happier gut that move with ease is a wonderful healing project, and protocols for this will be discussed and looked at in class.
Your Microbiome
Working hand in hand with your gut is your Microbiome, the millions of tiny microbe helpers that are meant to live and thrive happily within your intestines. These little guys help your body digest food and absorb nutrients, they are about 70% of your immune system, help power your mitochondria and change your DNA in powerful ways, and these are only a few of their jobs inside you!
Your Emotional Wellbeing
Did you know that your gut releases more of the ‘feel good’ chemicals such as serotonin, then your brain?! Happy Gut, Happy Attitude!
Food Sensitivies
We will look at some of the often devastating effects of food allergies and sensitivities including gluten, dairy and soy, etc., and ways to identify them and to heal and recover from them.
Each week you will receive a Clairvoyant Reading on different areas and issues of your digestion.
Your Enteric Nervous System.
“Go with your Gut!” The center of your body’s wisdom - your gut intuition - is your Enteric Nervous System. This is the nervous system embedded in the lining of your digestion, and learning to listen to what it has to say about your body is a powerful tool for self healing.
Your Para-Sympathic Nervous System
The antidote to eating in stress. When you eat on the run, or in judgement of your food choices or without creating a healing/nurturing space for your meal, you digestion tends to close down and you may not be absorbing the nutrients from your food! The USA has a pretty high % of citizens who struggle with their weight, and yet are chronically malnourished. Eating under stress also contributes to slow peristalsis. Literally, chronic constipation can shorten a person’s life and contribute to disease. A happier gut that move with ease is a wonderful healing project, and protocols for this will be discussed and looked at in class.
Your Microbiome
Working hand in hand with your gut is your Microbiome, the millions of tiny microbe helpers that are meant to live and thrive happily within your intestines. These little guys help your body digest food and absorb nutrients, they are about 70% of your immune system, help power your mitochondria and change your DNA in powerful ways, and these are only a few of their jobs inside you!
Your Emotional Wellbeing
Did you know that your gut releases more of the ‘feel good’ chemicals such as serotonin, then your brain?! Happy Gut, Happy Attitude!
Food Sensitivies
We will look at some of the often devastating effects of food allergies and sensitivities including gluten, dairy and soy, etc., and ways to identify them and to heal and recover from them.
Each week you will receive a Clairvoyant Reading on different areas and issues of your digestion.
The WellnessAlchemy Creed
We believe that each one of us had a part in the creation of our body. That available to each of us as spirit is the intuitive knowledge to heal our body when we open that door. We believe that disease and physical challenges are a pathway to learn and grow as spirit, and that fear and ignorance need not keep us from the blessings we find as we heal ourselves. As Jesus said, “What I have done you can do also.” As immortal souls we are all part of the Supreme Being, and that is the part of us we remember when we create healing miracles.
We believe that each one of us had a part in the creation of our body. That available to each of us as spirit is the intuitive knowledge to heal our body when we open that door. We believe that disease and physical challenges are a pathway to learn and grow as spirit, and that fear and ignorance need not keep us from the blessings we find as we heal ourselves. As Jesus said, “What I have done you can do also.” As immortal souls we are all part of the Supreme Being, and that is the part of us we remember when we create healing miracles.
Taught By Rt. Rev. Christy Carrico & Rt. Rev. Carmen Figueras
Rt. Reverend Christy Carrico
WellnessAlchemy Mastery Program Director, Trance Channeling Program Teacher & Healer, Leader of Spiritual Journeys Rt. Rev. Christy Carrico is Vice President of the Spirit Is Calling Board of Directors. She is the founder and Director of The WellnessAlchemy Healing Center, a place to practice clairvoyant healings that guide a body to wellness and regeneration. She teaches and leads the WellnessAlchemy training programs and workshops. She also offers professional WellnessAlchemy healings and readings, TM readings and Healings, counselings and energy checks for students and staff. Her signature healing packages include Trance Medium Readings/Healings on your Wellness and Weight Issues and Wellness Life Plans. More about Christy |
Rt. Rev. Carmen Figueras
Founder & President of Spirit is Calling Board of Directors, Teacher, Journeys Leader, Professional Healer and Reader Rt. Rev. Carmen Figueras is the founder and President of the Board of Directors of Spirit is Calling, a 501 (c)3 religious non profit. She founded this spiritual community in 2010 as a playground for creative and sensitive spirits. She teaches and leads beginning and advanced meditation workshops, retreats, healing circles, and Spiritual Journeys. She also offers professional readings, deprogrammings, counselings, and energy checks for students and staff. Her signature healing packages include A Whole New You!, Wellness Life Plans, and House and Business Healings. As an ordained minister she performs religious ceremonies including memorials and weddings. More about Carmen |