Claire Elizabeth
The Wise Healer Within Program Director,
Naia Healings, CranioSacral Therapy Transformative EnergyWork, Hypnotherapy Schedule an appointment by contacting Claire:
Email: [email protected] Website: |
I am a mom and a healer, a learner and a lover of life. Ever since I was a small child I have had two goals in mind: to enjoy perfect health in my body, and to uplift others. My healing practice allows me to embody those two goals on a daily basis. I am so fortunate to have a career that brings me so much joy.
The road to where I am was a twisted one, with physical and emotional turmoil along the way. There have been times when I couldn't bring myself out of my depression, and other times when I physically couldn't walk across the room. But I believe these experiences have served to make me more adept at what I do. Life has been my greatest teacher, but I won't discount my formal education. I graduated from UC Berkeley in 1997 with degrees in Integrative Biology and Spanish. I went on to study massage therapy at National Holistic Institute, CranioSacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute, Energy Healing at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Naturopathy at Clayton College of Natural Health, and Hypnotherapy at Lightwork Seminars International. My varied background produces a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to healing. Much of the work I do now is a synthesis of CranioSacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Transformative Energywork. I have been a healer since birth, and have been in formal practice since 1998. What is Naia Healing?
Naia is the Hawaiian word for dolphin, and Naia Healing is a hands-on therapy that puts your body and spirit in a miracle vibration akin to our dolphin friends. I use a synthesis of CranioSacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Theta Healing, Transformative Energywork, Hands-On-Healing, and of course some amazing dolphin spirit guides to assist you in moving through resistance and manifesting your desires for health, healing and happiness. You are a bright spirit whose natural state is one of freedom, health, and joy. Naia Healing brings you back to this blissful state, where miracles naturally occur.
CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a branch of osteopathic manipulation that works with the bones, soft tissue, and energy of the body. As a practitioner, I tune into the subtle motions of the skeletal system and the pulsing of the cerebrospinal fluid within the skull and spinal column. In this process, areas of impeded fluid, nerve and energy flow are brought to my awareness. Then, together, we unravel and ease the restrictions to create better health on all levels of your being
Transformative EnergyWork
Transformative Energywork is the result of a lifetime of working with energy. It is an intuitive and heart-based therapy that is centered around creating the space for you to be who you really are. Restrictions are eased, layers are shed, and the core of who you are is allowed to open up. Deep issues and long-held beliefs are often brought to the surface and released. You are unique, and your reaction will be your own, but most leave with an increased sense of happiness and inner peace.
Hypnotherapy is a wonderfully relaxing and highly effective form of communication with the unconscious mind. It is here, in the depths of your unconscious, where your beliefs, memories, and patterns are stored. Hypnotherapy is the gateway to understanding your life patterns and to creating positive change. Transformations take place with ease, as hypnotherapy bypasses the troubling voices in your head and accesses the true powerhouse of your mind to create health, wellness and inner peace.
Hypnotherapy, behavior therapy, and psychoanalysis were rated for their effectiveness in a survey of psychotherapy literature conducted by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. The following success rates were found:
Naturopathy believes in the vitality and wisdom of the body. It works with the body, and uses the remedies from nature to jump-start your own self healing ability. Symptoms are viewed as friends, not foes, communicating the need for change in one’s life. Naturopathy looks at the whole person— physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It aims to bring support, nurturance, and expression to all of these aspects. The therapies include dietary and lifestyle changes, physical exercises, supplements, and herbal and homeopathic remedies. In addition, there is emphasis on creating outlets for emotional expression and mental stimulation, and encouraging a spiritual connection to life.
Spiritual Services