Staff Biographies
Rt. Rev. Carmen Figueras
Founder & President of Spirit is Calling Board of Directors, Teacher, Journeys Leader, Professional Healer and Reader Rt. Rev. Carmen Figueras is the founder and President of the Board of Directors of Spirit is Calling, a 501 (c)3 religious non profit. She founded this spiritual community in 2010 as a playground for creative and sensitive spirits. She teaches and leads beginning and advanced meditation workshops, retreats, healing circles, and Spiritual Journeys. She also offers professional readings, deprogrammings, counselings, and energy checks for students and staff. Her signature healing packages include A Whole New You!, Wellness Life Plans, and House and Business Healings. As an ordained minister she performs religious ceremonies including memorials and weddings. More about Carmen |
Rt. Reverend Christy Carrico
WellnessAlchemy Mastery Program Director, Trance Channeling Program Teacher & Healer, Leader of Spiritual Journeys Rt. Rev. Christy Carrico is Vice President of the Spirit Is Calling Board of Directors. She is the founder and Director of The WellnessAlchemy Healing Center, a place to practice clairvoyant healings that guide a body to wellness and regeneration. She teaches and leads the WellnessAlchemy training programs and workshops. She also offers professional WellnessAlchemy healings and readings, TM readings and Healings, counselings and energy checks for students and staff. Her signature healing packages include Trance Medium Readings/Healings on your Wellness and Weight Issues and Wellness Life Plans. More about Christy |
Rt. Rev. Liz Tregoning
Co-Director Trance Medium Healing Program, Director of Clairvoyant Training Program, Professional Healer & Reader, Lead Teacher for Beginning Spiritual Classes Rt. Rev. Liz Tregoning is a professional spiritual healer, teacher and leader. She has worked and trained for over 25 years with Spirit is Calling, The Berkeley Psychic Institute, Church of Divine Man and The Divine Healing Center. She is currently a Co-Director of the Trance Medium Healing Program at Spirit is Calling and Co-Teacher of the Playful Goddess Women’s Retreats. Liz offers TM Reading/Healings and TM Touch Healings by appointment and at retreats and events. She also offers energy checks and readings on your Trance Mediumship for those interested in finding out more about this part of yourself. More about Liz |
Contributing Staff
LynnEl Powell
Professional Healer & Reader LynnEl Powell is a professional healer who offers Sacred Hands On, Wellness Alchemy, Theta Band, Christ Force and Mother Mary healings at Spirit is Calling retreats and events and by appointment. She is a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute's 2-year clairvoyant program, as well as their Minister's In Training Program, The Dendera Women's Healing Program and the Hands on Healing program, the Spirit is Calling Sacred Healing Ministry program, Wellness Alchemy Healing, and Spiritual Entrepreneurship Programs. LynnEl has been practicing reading, healing clairvoyantly and having fun with her psychic abilities since 1997. More about LynnEl |
Rev. Bruce Van Horn
Men's Staff Rev. Bruce Van Horn has been reading, healing, and teaching others about their own intuitive awareness since 1994. Bruce left his birthplace in Missouri in 1985. After a brief layover on the East coast, he came to San Francisco in 1986. Always deeply interested in spirituality, Bruce began a more formal study of Christian meditation and mysticism in 1988. This led to clairvoyant training, ministers training, and spiritual teacher training in the early 1990s. After working for many years as a pastry chef, Bruce now works full time as a psychic teacher, reader, and healer. In his spare time, he still bakes (mostly gluten free now) and writes poetry. |
Rev. Eric Mader
Co - Director of Trance Channeling Healing Program Eric Mader has enjoyed teaching clairvoyant meditation, healing classes, graduate classes and doing clairvoyant readings and healings for many years. From the moment he walked in the door of the Berkeley Psychic Institute in 1988, Eric felt he had found what was missing in his life. He began taking every class he could as quickly as he could including the Oracle Trance Medium Training Program and the Trance Medium Teachers Program. Currently at Spirit is Calling, Eric continues to teach others how to develop their own Trance Medium abilities. More About Eric |
Rev. Jen Evans
Women's Retreat Staff and Clairvoyant Teacher Jen Evans is a Spiritual teacher at Spirit is Calling and a professional healer. She teaches meditation, women’s classes, the Clairvoyant Program and advanced class topics. Jen has a passion for teaching people how to create and manifest their goals. Since 1999, Jen has been leading and teaching women’s retreats with Carmen. In 2002 Jen became the Graduate Director and a Regent of the Berkeley psychic Institute. She taught the Women's teacher’s program, Ministers in Training program, and Your Next Step Program. When Spirit is Calling was formed, Jen joined the staff and has continued enjoying teaching and giving spiritual counselings. More about Jen |
Carol Cilliers Blaschke
Spiritual Journeys Leader, Professional Reader and Healer Carol Cilliers Blaschke is a spiritual journey leader at Spirit is Calling and offers professional healings and astrology readings at Spirit is Calling retreats and events and by appointment. Carol has directed four different Clairvoyant Training Institutes in N and S California. In 1996 she founded and directed the Livermore Center for Enlightenment. During that time, she also partnered with psychic Lance Thurston on SF's KEST personal growth Radio, offering weekly astrological readings to the general public. Carol has over 30 years of clairvoyant training, having created and directed Livermore Center for Enlightenment. More About Carol |
Valerie Zukowski
Psychic Healer, WellnessAlchemy Healer & Teacher Valerie Sukowski is a professional healer who offers Hands on Healings and Wellness Alchemy Healings at Spirit is Calling retreats and events and by appointment. Valerie finds it very rewarding and exciting to lead others to find their potential as spirit and to give them psychic tools which change their lives. Through Hands-on-Healing she helps others free themselves from energies that interfere with manifesting their lives as they wish. Valerie is also a Trance Medium Healer and WellnessAlchemy Healer, forms of healing that help both the healee and the healer release harmful energies from their space so they can fill up with their own neutral healing energy. More about Valerie |
Claire Elizabeth
Director of The Wise Healer Within Program, Naia Healings, CranioSacral Therapy, Transformative EnergyWork, Hypnotherapy Claire Elizabeth teaches The Wise Healer Within Program at Spirit is Calling and is a professional healer. Claire studied massage therapy at National Holistic Institute, CranioSacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute, Energy Healing at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Naturopathy at Clayton College of Natural Health, and Hypnotherapy at Lightwork Seminars International and she sees life as her greatest teacher. Ever since she was a small child she has had two goals in mind: to enjoy perfect health in her body and to uplift others. Claire has been a healer since birth and in formal practice since 1998. More about Claire |
Rev. Lauren Van Ham
Interfaith Minister & Director of Your Divine Healing Path Program Rev. Lauren Van Ham is an Interfaith Minister and the teaching staff of Spirit is Calling’s Your Divine Healing Path Program. After ordination in 1999, Lauren served as chaplain in both healthcare and corporate settings and seminary. She was the Dean at The Chaplaincy Institute. Her passion for spirituality, art and Earth's teachings construct her focus in eco-ministry, grief & loss, and sacred activism. She holds degrees from Carnegie Mellon University and Naropa University. Today, Lauren serves as Climate Action Coordinator for the United Religions Initiative. She is a spiritual director and guest faculty for several schools in the Bay Area. More About Lauren |