Special Trance Medium EventHaving Fun in a Crazy World
A Special Trance Channeling Event! WHEN: Saturday March 9, 2019 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm Open to all. Contribution $20, each attendee will receive a personal Trance Medium healing. Having fun means having your space! Come create a sanctuary from the craziness of a world in crisis and major transition. What is a Trance Medium (You) to do? Are you "managing" the energy in your personal environment ? In the world at large ? Are you " taking in " survival energy, gloom and doom energy? As spirits in bodies we have the ability to match energy, to become a picture or belief. In this event we will learn to un-match and re-set the energy in our own space. We will conclude with a personal Trance Medium healing in support of your new sanctuary . What the Event Will Hold: We will start with a Meditation to collect our energy up from our life, then look at the energy on a planetary level and how the many changes might be affecting us. We will exchange readings and the TM Channelers will do healings on topics that relate to you, your trance mediumship, and the planet. Channeled TM Healings Include: Healing for the Planet Healing on Humankind(ness), being kind to the planet & each other Our Ability to Forgive & Love Ourselves Our Connection to a Higher Purpose on this Planet Our ability to find Common Ground (in a divided world) Allowing the Planet to Heal Itself, & communicate what it needs from us Personal TM Healing for Each Attendee on your growth period as a planet healer. Join us for this special event to reset your space, and own your place in this beautiful world. RSVP is a must At a Berkeley location TBA and online. Register to get the link to attend Online. |