WellnessAlchemy Self Healing Program
4 Month Beginning Spiritual Training
A 6-month self-healing program where you can create profound and lasting healing for your body on any number of body issues.
Email to Inquire: [email protected]
Length of Program: 6 months program
Dates: On-going Enrollment Contribution: $800 in full or $200 month payments Taught By: Rev. Christy Carrico and SIC WellnesAlchemy Staff Classroom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84905848594 Click to view Program Sign Up Registration Form.
Program Includes
WellnessAlchemy Self Healing
This program is geared to those who wish to create a new and dynamic wellness space for themselves with the support of the WellnessAlchemy & the Spirit is Calling staff and using the WA Healing Protocols, Psychic Healing tools and Healing Prayer techniques.
This program is geared to those who wish to create a new and dynamic wellness space for themselves with the support of the WellnessAlchemy & the Spirit is Calling staff and using the WA Healing Protocols, Psychic Healing tools and Healing Prayer techniques.
Wellness and Vitality
We are often programmed to think that the loss of our body’s wellness and vitality is inevitable and irreversible, but within each of us is a profound pool of spiritual information and knowledge for healing our bodies. Opening the doors of your own self-healing knowledge, certainty and miracles is not done in isolation and it is not done without support.
Energetically, most psychics have a sensitivity to foreign negative energies which can be hard on a psychic’s body. Additionally, modern living is not easy on human bodies either. There is a kind of perfect storm of factors in America which often make the possibility of vitality and feeling good in our body seem like a dream. The deterioration of our food supply and the introduction of upwards of 40,000 chemicals in our environmental not present before WWII have had a devastating effect on the health of the majority of people in America as well as around the world. Ignorance of all the numerous factors effecting our wellness can indeed have profound and even deadly effects.
Then there is deterioration of most American’s microbiome since the invention of penicillin, which is only beginning to be addressed in the medical community. Your microbiome are vast colonies of friendly bacteria which normally live within everyone assisting us with an astonishing array of body functions, including digestion, the production of different vitamins, fighting infections and protecting the body from foreign invaders. These colonies can easily be brought back to levels in the body which can once again thrive through psychic healing and eating certain important healing foods. We now know that our microbiome are our allies who live to keep us well and happy and make up 90% of the cells in the human body and 80% of our immune system! Healing our microbiome is actually an important aspect of healing most all degenerative diseases.
In this program you will have the support of the WellnessAlchemy /Spirit Is Calling staff to begin to look at you and your own body’s truth about what works for you to heal your body. We will look at what factors are contributing to your unwellness as we work with you to create a personal plan for your Wellness and Vitality using healing foods, activities, psychic healing and meditation along with healing substances that you can make a part of your life.
This program is geared to those psychics who are ready to create a dynamic shift in their life toward greater vitality and living life in a happier, validated body.
A written summery of your wellness goals is an important part of setting the energy for your success and will be done at the beginning of your program.
We are often programmed to think that the loss of our body’s wellness and vitality is inevitable and irreversible, but within each of us is a profound pool of spiritual information and knowledge for healing our bodies. Opening the doors of your own self-healing knowledge, certainty and miracles is not done in isolation and it is not done without support.
Energetically, most psychics have a sensitivity to foreign negative energies which can be hard on a psychic’s body. Additionally, modern living is not easy on human bodies either. There is a kind of perfect storm of factors in America which often make the possibility of vitality and feeling good in our body seem like a dream. The deterioration of our food supply and the introduction of upwards of 40,000 chemicals in our environmental not present before WWII have had a devastating effect on the health of the majority of people in America as well as around the world. Ignorance of all the numerous factors effecting our wellness can indeed have profound and even deadly effects.
Then there is deterioration of most American’s microbiome since the invention of penicillin, which is only beginning to be addressed in the medical community. Your microbiome are vast colonies of friendly bacteria which normally live within everyone assisting us with an astonishing array of body functions, including digestion, the production of different vitamins, fighting infections and protecting the body from foreign invaders. These colonies can easily be brought back to levels in the body which can once again thrive through psychic healing and eating certain important healing foods. We now know that our microbiome are our allies who live to keep us well and happy and make up 90% of the cells in the human body and 80% of our immune system! Healing our microbiome is actually an important aspect of healing most all degenerative diseases.
In this program you will have the support of the WellnessAlchemy /Spirit Is Calling staff to begin to look at you and your own body’s truth about what works for you to heal your body. We will look at what factors are contributing to your unwellness as we work with you to create a personal plan for your Wellness and Vitality using healing foods, activities, psychic healing and meditation along with healing substances that you can make a part of your life.
This program is geared to those psychics who are ready to create a dynamic shift in their life toward greater vitality and living life in a happier, validated body.
A written summery of your wellness goals is an important part of setting the energy for your success and will be done at the beginning of your program.