Women's Healing CircleMonthly Healing Circle - Open to All Women
Third Tuesday of Every Month 6:30 - 8:00 pm PST
Contribution: $10 Open to all women! Taught by: Carmen Figueras and Spirit is Calling Staff. Each healing circle is part psychic tune-up, part healing meditation and part one-on-one focused, reading and healing. Don’t miss them! This is a safe space to get healings and communication on issues specific to spirits in female bodies. Classroom Zoom Link: Women's Healing Circles: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86474199480 Email to Inquire: [email protected]
About Women's Healing Circles:
Each healing circle will focus on your female creative energy - where is it going, what it is doing and is this what you want? The healing meditation will guide you through very specific exercises to help you re-ground your female creative energy and set it at the vibration you want to have flow in your body. Extra healings are optional for an extra contribution of $20 each, and they are booked on a first-come first-served basis at the end of the circle.
Healing Circle topics will cover:
Online Attendance Policy: