By Christy Carrico
Healing body issues and disease can be an exciting path to self awareness and self knowledge
WellnessAlchemy has an important spiritual truth that is at it’s foundation. And that is that your body’s wellness, vitality and happiness are a product of the partnership between you the spirit and your body.
Children can be a handful and as all parents of small children can tell you, you have to program your child to keep them safe as their brains are not developed enough to understand how to keep that body out of danger. Read: don’t run out in traffic. STOP. Yesterday, I watched a father follow his toddler right up to the edge of the sidewalk where he grabbed her a mere second before she stepped into speeding traffic.
A good teacher of children will understand the importance of validating the body, and give students plenty of time and space for them to use their body in play and creative projects. But what happens to you over time as schools and adults put their pictures and programming into you to obey their commends instead of listening to your own body?
Over time, you can lose an important connection to yourself and both you and your body will suffer. You may no longer know how to listen to what your body is trying to tell you, or if it gets through to you, you may be programmed to invalidate or ignore it! As an example, your body yells for nourishment or movement and you tell it later, or even get mad at it for demanding something from you when your busy.
One of the consequences I see to all this is that most people are seriously programmed to see healing their body as something they are not even a valuable part of. Your have an illness, you see a doctor. He or she fixes it, and if they cannot, too bad, or maybe somehow it’s your fault. As a professional WellnessAlchemy healer, I encounter this attitude from many people: the disempowered belief system that you yourself are not the most important part in healing your own body, except perhaps to be sure to pay on the way out.
Here is my story. About 5 years ago, I began to have tremendous intestinal distress right after a visit to see my family back East. We would all often eat dinner at my Mom’s favorite restaurant. At the start of each meal they put on the table the most amazing array of hot breads and sweet rolls, and even though I did not usually eat any bread, I enthusiastically indulged. A few days after I returned it hit with a vengeance: suddenly I had a blown up abdomen and unreal amounts of pain.
Not sure what was going on I went to a naturopath, a lovely lady who diagnosed me as either gluten sensitive or with celiac disease. Then I got from her about $300 worth of supplements and meal replacements to heal myself. I did not know about the effects of gluten, so I just followed her advise.
I then went home and begun to do my own research, and this is really when my own healing miracles began. It turned out there is a big problem with a great many testing labs: they were returning diagnosis of false negatives, which means people who indeed had a problem were told they had none. So I found a lab that was highly recommended by those who understood the problem. I had them do my testing and indeed I did have gluten sensitivity.
I also found out about a thing called ‘cross sensitivity’ which means that my immune system thinks grains without gluten look close enough to ones that do have it, and eating them can still set off an allergic reaction. This meant that all those supplements full of rice I got from the naturopath doctor went into the trash. And thank goodness for that. She did her best for me, but then again, she did not have the personal motivation I had to find out about something that experts where only then beginning to really understand.
If I had not done my own research, I might have continued to create an allergic crisis in my gut, and I might have even believed I was not sick with gluten sensitivity but perhaps it was all just in my mind!
I would add to this that my ability to clairvoyantly look at what my body’s truth was, was invaluable. It allowed my to sift through a lot of research and to focus on what resonated with my body. This allowed me to find out from my body what it really wanted and needed to heal itself, and I did. This lead to a lifestyle change I have to this day.
Here is another interesting story. Once I was doing healing work with a lady who had type 2 diabetes. She was complaining about her doctor, as this doctor was not supportive of her and had her feeling bad when she went in for a visit. So I asked her, what is more important in your life then healing your body and getting well? And what is the energy that says you have to put up with someone so unsupportive? Someone, by the way, you are paying for.
So she changed doctors to someone she felt good working with, and it was a big step along her healing path.
We are the ones in charge of our own healing and when we use our own personal power and choices to own that job, then the healing team we assemble will continue to empower us. Choosing healers and medical people truly on our side and not controlled by forces of profit or possibly an entrenched attitude of ignorance, is a game changer.
When faced with a body issue or illness, taking ownership of this experience as part of your own spiritual path makes everything along that path meaningful in a new way. The vibration of creating a healing partnership between you and your body can be an exciting first step to your increased health and vitality.
Healing body issues and disease can be an exciting path to self awareness and self knowledge
WellnessAlchemy has an important spiritual truth that is at it’s foundation. And that is that your body’s wellness, vitality and happiness are a product of the partnership between you the spirit and your body.
Children can be a handful and as all parents of small children can tell you, you have to program your child to keep them safe as their brains are not developed enough to understand how to keep that body out of danger. Read: don’t run out in traffic. STOP. Yesterday, I watched a father follow his toddler right up to the edge of the sidewalk where he grabbed her a mere second before she stepped into speeding traffic.
A good teacher of children will understand the importance of validating the body, and give students plenty of time and space for them to use their body in play and creative projects. But what happens to you over time as schools and adults put their pictures and programming into you to obey their commends instead of listening to your own body?
Over time, you can lose an important connection to yourself and both you and your body will suffer. You may no longer know how to listen to what your body is trying to tell you, or if it gets through to you, you may be programmed to invalidate or ignore it! As an example, your body yells for nourishment or movement and you tell it later, or even get mad at it for demanding something from you when your busy.
One of the consequences I see to all this is that most people are seriously programmed to see healing their body as something they are not even a valuable part of. Your have an illness, you see a doctor. He or she fixes it, and if they cannot, too bad, or maybe somehow it’s your fault. As a professional WellnessAlchemy healer, I encounter this attitude from many people: the disempowered belief system that you yourself are not the most important part in healing your own body, except perhaps to be sure to pay on the way out.
Here is my story. About 5 years ago, I began to have tremendous intestinal distress right after a visit to see my family back East. We would all often eat dinner at my Mom’s favorite restaurant. At the start of each meal they put on the table the most amazing array of hot breads and sweet rolls, and even though I did not usually eat any bread, I enthusiastically indulged. A few days after I returned it hit with a vengeance: suddenly I had a blown up abdomen and unreal amounts of pain.
Not sure what was going on I went to a naturopath, a lovely lady who diagnosed me as either gluten sensitive or with celiac disease. Then I got from her about $300 worth of supplements and meal replacements to heal myself. I did not know about the effects of gluten, so I just followed her advise.
I then went home and begun to do my own research, and this is really when my own healing miracles began. It turned out there is a big problem with a great many testing labs: they were returning diagnosis of false negatives, which means people who indeed had a problem were told they had none. So I found a lab that was highly recommended by those who understood the problem. I had them do my testing and indeed I did have gluten sensitivity.
I also found out about a thing called ‘cross sensitivity’ which means that my immune system thinks grains without gluten look close enough to ones that do have it, and eating them can still set off an allergic reaction. This meant that all those supplements full of rice I got from the naturopath doctor went into the trash. And thank goodness for that. She did her best for me, but then again, she did not have the personal motivation I had to find out about something that experts where only then beginning to really understand.
If I had not done my own research, I might have continued to create an allergic crisis in my gut, and I might have even believed I was not sick with gluten sensitivity but perhaps it was all just in my mind!
I would add to this that my ability to clairvoyantly look at what my body’s truth was, was invaluable. It allowed my to sift through a lot of research and to focus on what resonated with my body. This allowed me to find out from my body what it really wanted and needed to heal itself, and I did. This lead to a lifestyle change I have to this day.
Here is another interesting story. Once I was doing healing work with a lady who had type 2 diabetes. She was complaining about her doctor, as this doctor was not supportive of her and had her feeling bad when she went in for a visit. So I asked her, what is more important in your life then healing your body and getting well? And what is the energy that says you have to put up with someone so unsupportive? Someone, by the way, you are paying for.
So she changed doctors to someone she felt good working with, and it was a big step along her healing path.
We are the ones in charge of our own healing and when we use our own personal power and choices to own that job, then the healing team we assemble will continue to empower us. Choosing healers and medical people truly on our side and not controlled by forces of profit or possibly an entrenched attitude of ignorance, is a game changer.
When faced with a body issue or illness, taking ownership of this experience as part of your own spiritual path makes everything along that path meaningful in a new way. The vibration of creating a healing partnership between you and your body can be an exciting first step to your increased health and vitality.