By Christy Carrico
How is your spiritual path coming along? Are you excited and enthused at all by being a spirit in a body this lifetime who can read auras? Are you using those awesome psychic tools that enrich your life and bring meaning daily? (I know, I know, sometimes those growth periods are not that fun!) Or has your psychic space been usurped by the political arena and the fear, resistance, paranoia and hopelessness peddled by so many in power these days?
Our spiritual sanctuary is such a special space. When I first had an aura reading about 40 years ago when I was in my 20’s, I was as happy as I can ever remember being. The reading I received - a simple 1/2 hour version done by a lady in her house - I understood had opened a doorway for me that had already changed my life in an afternoon. It was like falling in love. I walked from her house floating on a cloud, which was pretty easy because I had not yet learned to ground!
Her words to me about my life and what I had experienced so far were the greatest truth I had ever heard. They spoke to the heart of me. I was suddenly no longer stumbling along feeling buffeted by events and people around me. I was clairvoyant! I saw energy and beings that I had had no words or context for! I had existed before in other lives! I could become sick from other’s negativity - it was not that I was weak, I was spiritually sensitive!
Though my life did not become magically easy, still, it gave it a direction and meaning that I am still so grateful for. How many lifetimes have we all struggled without meaning or purpose or an awareness of ourselves as spirit? And, how many lifetimes were we controlled by some religious organization’s limited version of God and ourselves as spirit? One of the greatest aspects of being a psychic, to me, is that I not only have my own communication with God and the God of my own Heart; but I can support other’s around me and in turn be supported by them to own and nurture this personal space. Guilt and Responsibility are energetic blockages to clear - not burdens to carry. In some amusement I say: Jesus does not love us more if we are miserable under a burden of guilt and self sacrifice. How much fun are we to be around when we are like that, anyway?!
But lately I notice some psychics have lost their personal spiritual sanctuary to a constant barrage of fear and horror peddled by the media and many power brokers in government. How much time are you wasting listening to all this and then becoming the negativity being fed to us minute by minute?
This is not about sticking your head in the sand, but about finding and having your space so that you can see clearly who you are, where you are going and what is truly important in your life. Which of these adds to the positive change on our wonderful planet: meditating for an hour or spending an hour on the internet being horrified or fearful? Are you putting your energy into what you love and love to create, or are you putting your energy into what you most fear? The fear mongers WANT you to spend your time devouring big daily doses of what terrible or horrible thing is happening daily. Maybe it’s time to say ‘screw those guys’.
So, how do we find our space in the midst of all this negative fearful input? I vote for meditation and clairvoyance. Our planet is in the midst of a huge shift - ask any astrologer and they will probably agree. What is the energy of this shift exactly? Perhaps to each of us it’s something different. Well, at least to me, in simple terms it’s a shift toward self awareness, cooperation and kindness as guiding principles. It’s a shift from ‘hurrah for me, screw you’ as a path to success, to understanding the power of individual and global community and cooperation.
And we are in the midst of what is a tremendous backlash to this shift and the painful death of the old and useless way. I see that this shift is happening one way or the other, and reading the energy of what is happening allows us to blow our pictures and get our space back and pursue our own meaningful goals. Then you can feed that which you love and not that that you hate.
Perhaps its time to try a media diet or fast. Meditate, take time to create and work on your goals, take classes that interest you, nurture your relationship with nature and the planet, enjoy your friends. Pet your dog! The list is endless and does not require a 24 hour cable news subscription either!
Best Wishes to you all, Christy Carrico
How is your spiritual path coming along? Are you excited and enthused at all by being a spirit in a body this lifetime who can read auras? Are you using those awesome psychic tools that enrich your life and bring meaning daily? (I know, I know, sometimes those growth periods are not that fun!) Or has your psychic space been usurped by the political arena and the fear, resistance, paranoia and hopelessness peddled by so many in power these days?
Our spiritual sanctuary is such a special space. When I first had an aura reading about 40 years ago when I was in my 20’s, I was as happy as I can ever remember being. The reading I received - a simple 1/2 hour version done by a lady in her house - I understood had opened a doorway for me that had already changed my life in an afternoon. It was like falling in love. I walked from her house floating on a cloud, which was pretty easy because I had not yet learned to ground!
Her words to me about my life and what I had experienced so far were the greatest truth I had ever heard. They spoke to the heart of me. I was suddenly no longer stumbling along feeling buffeted by events and people around me. I was clairvoyant! I saw energy and beings that I had had no words or context for! I had existed before in other lives! I could become sick from other’s negativity - it was not that I was weak, I was spiritually sensitive!
Though my life did not become magically easy, still, it gave it a direction and meaning that I am still so grateful for. How many lifetimes have we all struggled without meaning or purpose or an awareness of ourselves as spirit? And, how many lifetimes were we controlled by some religious organization’s limited version of God and ourselves as spirit? One of the greatest aspects of being a psychic, to me, is that I not only have my own communication with God and the God of my own Heart; but I can support other’s around me and in turn be supported by them to own and nurture this personal space. Guilt and Responsibility are energetic blockages to clear - not burdens to carry. In some amusement I say: Jesus does not love us more if we are miserable under a burden of guilt and self sacrifice. How much fun are we to be around when we are like that, anyway?!
But lately I notice some psychics have lost their personal spiritual sanctuary to a constant barrage of fear and horror peddled by the media and many power brokers in government. How much time are you wasting listening to all this and then becoming the negativity being fed to us minute by minute?
This is not about sticking your head in the sand, but about finding and having your space so that you can see clearly who you are, where you are going and what is truly important in your life. Which of these adds to the positive change on our wonderful planet: meditating for an hour or spending an hour on the internet being horrified or fearful? Are you putting your energy into what you love and love to create, or are you putting your energy into what you most fear? The fear mongers WANT you to spend your time devouring big daily doses of what terrible or horrible thing is happening daily. Maybe it’s time to say ‘screw those guys’.
So, how do we find our space in the midst of all this negative fearful input? I vote for meditation and clairvoyance. Our planet is in the midst of a huge shift - ask any astrologer and they will probably agree. What is the energy of this shift exactly? Perhaps to each of us it’s something different. Well, at least to me, in simple terms it’s a shift toward self awareness, cooperation and kindness as guiding principles. It’s a shift from ‘hurrah for me, screw you’ as a path to success, to understanding the power of individual and global community and cooperation.
And we are in the midst of what is a tremendous backlash to this shift and the painful death of the old and useless way. I see that this shift is happening one way or the other, and reading the energy of what is happening allows us to blow our pictures and get our space back and pursue our own meaningful goals. Then you can feed that which you love and not that that you hate.
Perhaps its time to try a media diet or fast. Meditate, take time to create and work on your goals, take classes that interest you, nurture your relationship with nature and the planet, enjoy your friends. Pet your dog! The list is endless and does not require a 24 hour cable news subscription either!
Best Wishes to you all, Christy Carrico